Hardware, ITAR, License Exceptions, Software
Hardware and software that incorporates encryption is a much larger category of exports than most people realize. That’s because just about anything that contains some sort of encryption capability – even if it’s ancillary to the item’s primary function – needs to be...
France, Hardware, Reexport, USA Regulations
By: Danielle Hatch French Defence minister Florence Parly recently explained that it will start to cut its dependence on US components in many of its weapons systems. Everyone knows that US export controls often limit European weapons sales even if they only contain a...
DDTC, Defense Trade Controls, Export License, Hardware, Information Technology, ITAR, Licensing
By: Brooke Driver and John Black Few would deny that technology has transformed our world—and our vocabulary. New connotations for words we thought we knew multiply daily, like overly-friendly rabbits. Surf, Browse, Like, Post—it seems no verb is safe from...
BIS, Defense Trade Controls, Denied & Restricted Parties, Embargoes, Export License, Hardware, Information Technology, ITAR, Licensing, Nonproliferation & Nuclear, Pakistan, Terrorism, Violations & Fines
By: Brooke Driver The University of Massachusetts at Lowell has chosen to settle with BIS for neglecting to obtain the necessary licenses required by Section 744.11 and Supplement No.4 to Part 744 of the Regulations for export to the Pakistan Space and Upper...
EAR, Hardware, Information Technology, Software
By: Anna Barone The Export Administration Regulations (EAR) have been revised by the BIS to implement changes made to the Wassenaar Arrangement’s List of Dual Use Goods and Technologies, maintained and agreed to by governments participating in the Wassenaar...