Sponsorship Opportunities
Strategically Grow Your Business with ECTI
The Export Compliance Training Institute (ECTI, Inc.) is the leading provider of live and on-demand training content on US export controls and sanctions, across the US and around the world. For providers engaged in supporting global commerce, ECTI offers sponsorship programs with unparalleled access to export controls and international trade compliance professionals in a variety of organizations.
ECTI offers a powerful and compelling platform from which to advertise your products and services directly to highly qualified export compliance professionals. Myriad opportunities exist, including:
• Exhibit booth, potential speaking opportunities, and participants’ information at our live training seminars
• Sponsor billing, hyperlinked logos, and company information on our high-traffic website, seminar web pages, marketing emails, newsletters, etc.
• Thought leadership / content marketing placement in our webinar programs, newsletters, or blogs
• ECTI expert speakers at your events
• And other marketing and thought leadership endeavors
Our audience consists of export compliance practitioners directly involved in their companies’ export compliance programs. Participants regularly include delegates from the leading US and foreign defense and commercial companies, financial institutions, prominent universities, and US and foreign governments. With over 16,000 contacts on our mailing list and over 7,000 active learner accounts in our online Academy, sponsoring one or more live seminars, educational webinars, or our educational newsletter represents an unparalleled opportunity to raise your profile in the exporting community and generate new business for your company.
In the coming year, our flagship live seminars are scheduled to be offered in premier US and international locations, including:
Singapore • London • Amsterdam • San Diego • Miami • Washington DC • Austin • Orlando • Phoenix • Columbus • Abu Dhabi • Tel Aviv • Chicago • Denver
Please contact us today to discuss how we can work together to spotlight your business as a way to increase brand visibility, generate new contacts, and ultimately increase revenue.